Friday, March 6, 2015

Sex Sells

           Angel y Nene were two sexy thieves who stole our undivided attention! I definitely watched the movie Burnt Money because of how sexy it is.  Yes it's a cool movie too. There's a heist and there's awesome killing and the best ending ever to an action-shooting film. I never watch action-shooting films that don't involve Angelina Jolie, but sex definitely sells. If there wasn't any super hot homosexual content in the movie, I probably would have never watched it. It would have just been another action-shooting movie, no different from the rest. But this one is different. This one is sexy! And not just hetero-normative sexy like a Carls Jr. commercial starring Kim Kardashian, it's super homo-erotic sexy like two guys hot and sweaty in their underwears holding guns while making out. If that's not the hottest thing ever, then I don't know what is. Adding to the sex-appeal of the movie, this film is from Argentina, so it's in Spanish, but not just any Spanish, it's in Spanish that is spoken in a sexy Argentinian accent. Would this movie have been more successful in the U.S. if it was all hetero? Probably not, because we already have an abundance of hetero action-shooting movies. It would have just blended in with all the rest. But Plata Quemada has two super hot ubber sexy bad boys who make-out and get intimate with each other. How hot is that? And I'm sure it added to the success the film had in the U.S. Everyone likes sexy.

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