The movie for this week was Heavenly Creatures. Heavenly Creatures is based on the real life story of Pauline and Juliet, two young girls who commit murder.
I have wanted to watch this movie for quiet some time to be perfectly honest, I love Kate Winslet and Peter Jackson is one of my favorite directors, since he directed "Lord of the Rings". Needless to say I was very excited to watch this. This and Party Monster are the only ones I'm excited for. The movie did not disappoint.
Pauline and Juliet are two young girls who don't quite fit in anywhere, Pauline is an introvert and although not necessarily and ugly duckling or outcasted by others she prefers to be a loner. Juliet is also a loner but not by choice, because of her parents endless moving around she can never make any roots and settle down anywhere. She is also exceedingly bright and likes to show of her smartness, especially to her teachers. Pauline likes this quality in Juliet very much. They begin to create this other world where they are royalty and live in it they call it Borovinia. They create a family and have a rotten son named Dario who is a "rotten little blighter" and whom Pauline uses as a sort of coping mechanism.
The relationship is a co-dependent, obsessive relationship that only borderlines sexual "otherness" in the end. Like Loeb and Leopold it is not a homosexual relationship. The girls were innocent and were more like twin sisters than anything else. However when Pauline has sex with the border from the house her view shifts and she and Juliet have a one time sexual encounter. However they use sex as a form to get to the fourth world.
The fourh world is what Juliet believes heaven to be. She does not believe heaven to be what the bible tells us. Her idea of heaven is a place where she can be creative forever, she can revel in art and all things of that nature. She invites Pauline to be a part of this world. When Juliet's parents tell her that they are leaving New Zeland for a conference and will be away for months it tears Juliet apart. That is when she and Pauline break their mental wall and can now enter the Fourth World. They can only visit the fourth wall in thier deranged state of mind or in Pauline's case whenever she has sex. There fourth wall also sometimes becomes Borovinia where Pauline goes to.Like everything else we have seen this quarter it was weird. However unlike everything else we have thus far seen this quarter it this movie focuses on a female relationship as opposed to a male one. The dynamics are different because unlike the past two films this one is not dominated or driven by sex.